If I promised you 10K followers, I would be lying to you...
After all, in the video below, I show you...


Basically, the social media algorithm has a single function: to keep visitors on the network for as long as possible. And they do this by distributing content that meets 3 requirements:

Make the Visitor React

(First Level of Digital Attention)

Make the Visitor Watch / Consume the Post

(Second Level of Digital Attention)

Make the Visitor Engage with the Post

(Terceiro nível da Atenção Digital)

When your content meets these 3 requirements, the algorithm understands that it contributes to its main goal (keeping people on the platform), as it retains the user and prompts them to take actions, reinforcing the habit of being on social media.

And the creator of this content is rewarded with massive free exposure (potentially reaching millions of people, even on profiles starting from scratch) and a eruption of qualified, engaged, and purchasing followers.


What You Need is a Proven Method!


Sebastião, Renato, and Cacá had something in common:

They all had a purpose to help many people and the necessary knowledge to do so.
However, they lacked understanding of how to create content that the algorithms insist on distributing.

As soon as the three started applying the techniques, the results were very impactful.

A true Eruption of Followers, almost overnight.

Real followers, qualified, interested in their content and products!


1. Knowing Your Audience
Understand their desires, their pains, their fears, their problems. You need to know them better than they know themselves.

You need to be able to explain their problem better than they can.

This is crucial to activate the survival side of your audience’s brain, which makes them stop and watch

2. Finding Your Core of Influence
This is the foundation of all the content you will post on the internet. It will not only help you have clarity on what to post but also make the process of turning viewers into loyal and engaged followers very simple.

3. Setting Up Your Landing Strip

This is practically your business card when a potential follower reaches you.
I will show you exactly how to set up your social media, create a powerful bio, and truly convince your audience why they should follow you.

4. Immutable Principle
Many courses you buy online can teach you hacks. They work for a while, then stop working. However, what I will teach you in this stage of the training is not a hack; it’s an immutable principle, meaning it will never stop working. What I want to tell you is that even if Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok disappear and new social networks emerge, you can apply the same principles I will teach you here… and they will work. Because we are talking about human behavior. And that doesn’t change…
5. Creating Explosive Content
I will guide you step-by-step and help you write each word of this script, showing examples and variations you can use. The main purpose of this script is to activate the 3 levels of attention. It contains all the necessary steps to make your audience stop at your video, keep watching, and take actions like liking, commenting, and sharing, forcing the algorithm to work tirelessly for you, delivering your content for free 24 hours a day!
6. Criando Conteúdos na prática​
Vou te ensinar na prática como fazer a sua primeira gravação, mesmo se você não tem familiaridade com a camera. Existe um truque muito simples para que você grave o seu roteiro explosivo sem errar e ficar perdendo tempo, garantindo que você siga todos os pontos importantes para gerar a erupção de seguidores pro seu perfil.

And you will still gain....


Magnetic Titles

Along with the list, you will have access to a class where I teach you step-by-step how to create ideas for the entire year in less than 30 minutes.

You know that feeling of needing to produce something and having no ideas come to mind…
When you need to record the most, it seems like the ideas vanish…
This will never happen again…

And the best part, you won’t record just for the sake of recording.


10k per month with ebooks

I will teach you the step-by-step process to create an ebook that your followers will want to buy in less than 21 days.
Why am I giving you this training, which I sell for R$197, for free?
Simply because the ebook is the perfect match for the final call-to-action in your explosive content.
This is a strategy already validated in the projects I have helped with, generating thousands of ebook sales every month.
And the best part, with zero traffic cost.
Just by leveraging your eruption of views and followers.


Case Studies

I will provide all the analyses of the explosive scripts from all the projects I have been helping with. These are projects in various niches, and just this week, I will help people in the niches of bodybuilding, plants, languages, and hypnosis. I will analyze the results of all this work with you, so you have as many references as possible to completely master this new skill and perhaps create your own explosive scripts.



I will teach you the step-by-step process to create an ebook that your followers will want to buy in less than 21 days.
Why am I giving you this training, which I sell for $39, for free?
Simply because the ebook is the perfect match for the final call-to-action in your explosive content.
This is a strategy already validated in the projects I have helped with, generating thousands of ebook sales every month.
And the best part, with zero traffic cost.
Just by leveraging your eruption of views and followers.

You have a 30-Day Unconditional Guarantee

This means you have a full 30 days to study the training content and even apply the knowledge to your content to see if it really works and if it is right for you.

If you are not satisfied, just send an email to our team, and we will refund 100% of your money. It’s that simple…

You have a 30-Day Unconditional Guarantee

This means you have a full 30 days to study the training content and even apply the knowledge to your content to see if it really works and if it is right for you.

If you are not satisfied, just send an email to our team, and we will refund 100% of your money. It’s that simple…


How much does it cost you not to reach the people who need you?

What is the cost of investing your time and energy in producing content that no one watches?

How much does it cost to see people with less knowledge than you, posting frivolous or misinformed content, going viral, while you, with an important message to share, struggle to take off?

What is the cost of not living your legacy?

Sebastião, for example, invested 30 thousand reais to have my close guidance…

However, as I mentioned, I want to be part of more people’s legacies.

This is my calling. And because of this, you won’t need to invest even 10% of what Sebastião invested…

You will have access to the complete Eruption of Followers training, and all the bonuses, for practically 1% of that amount…


Eruption of Followers
Viral Titles
Ebooks that Sell
Viral Titles

$ 497
$ 297
$ 297
$ 297

For only


You can finally unlock your social media and trigger a Eruption of followers to your profile, engaged with what you post, fans of your work, and loyal customers of your products.


Up to 30 DAYS after payment, you can cancel for any reason, and we will refund the full amount paid.




A digital entrepreneur since 2011, he has created numerous successful projects online. He has over 200,000 students, and his content has been viewed by hundreds of millions of people. With more than 1.5 million followers on social media, he currently shares strategies for people who want to grow quickly on the internet by posting quality content and building massive audiences, allowing them to live solely from their legacy.

© Copyright 2024 Elias Maman. Todos os direitos reservados.